Crisp is the word for this. This is very famous and asked for snack at our place. Whenever we r bored and want to eat some spicy and crispy snack. we go for these spicy herbed potatoes. They taste yummmm !
You need :
Potatoes - 4 (chopped in quaters - dont peel.)
Olive oil - 1tbsp
Rosemary - 3 tsp
Paprika (crushed red pepper) - 2 tsp
Black pepper - 1 tsp
Oregano - 3 tsp
Salt to taste
*(You may also use mixed italian herb instead of using seperate herbs)

Method :
Making this is quite simple. Firstly preheat your oven to 375 degree F. Line your baking pan with a foil. This helps in easy cleaning and also avoid the potatoes from sticking to your baking pan.
Put in the quatered potatoesin the lined baking pan. Pour the oil, salt, the spices and the herbs on it and mix well with ur hand. You may add some mozarella cheese if u like on top before u put it in the oven.

Put ur tray into the preheated oven and bake in 3 75 degree for about 30 minutes. Remove it once in betwen turn and toss the potatoes for even cooking.
Your Spicy herbed potatoes are ready. Yummmm!

Serve hot with tomato ketchup.... relish...:)
Amazingly lovely....
those potatoes look so inviting, Shubha! Yummy!
those potatoes look so inviting, Shubha! Yummy!
u know what shubha... kill me... i was wondering all these days that where r u .. but coz of d marathon n some other thngs i kept a bit packed... n here i see the problem ..i missed so much yaar.. oopar kuch to vegg disc n u made vadam urself... mahaan ho ... ok bye let me check out d rest:)
sorry kar dena yaar plz
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