Thursday, May 22, 2008

I am Tagged and another Award to show off!

YAHOOOOO! No, no, no, I am not advertising for Yahoo! But I am so excited that I am shouting with joy. Yesterday, I was so surprised and happy to recieve another award from a sweet blogger friend Divya of Dil-Se. The Rocking Girl Blogger award. You rock girl and thanx u so much for passing this award to me. I am so happy dear. Here is the award and I am so proud showing it off.

I really dunno who started this award.... But whoever did... U rock dear..! I am so happy to Pass on this awards to these friends who I feel rock the blogsphere with their lovely recipes and photographs...:)

Uma of Telugu Ruchi

Cham of Spice-Club

Pooja of Creative Pooja

Siri of Siri's Corner

Madhavi of Vegetarian Medley

Swati of Chatkhor

Congratulations on your award....! And u all rock girls....:)

I am Tagged...!

Well I am tagged here by my schoolmate and a fellow blogger friend Aditi. I was tagged to write 10 things I hate.... Hmmmmm its very difficult... Coz when u have to list down things u hate... thats when u dont remember anything..... hehehehehehehehe.....Check it out!

1. Being All alone at home : I really hate being left alone... I have always had someone around me. My grandparents have been with me throughout. I stayed all alone at home for 2 weeks here when my hubby went out of the country and I really hated it.

2. Being Criticised or teased again and again about one things I did : I hate it. First time I like to take in any criticism but if someone just keeps bringing it back again and again, I really hate it a lot... :P

3. Dishonesty : I just hate dishonest people.

4. Headaches : I just hate these stupid painful headaches.

5. Himesh Reshamiya - Ohh how I hate this guy. He is really irritating and I dunno wt he thinks about himself.... Ohh I can't stand him....

6. Hate being seperated from my mom : I hate death.... which takes away our loved ones....

7. Results.....I am more scared of the results than appearing an exam!

8. when I am taken for granted.

9. I have people who show attitude.... I hate Kareena kapoor for that...I can't stand her...

10. Last but least as this is a food blog.... I have to refer some food type or item I dont like...
I generally eat everything... But I dont like Karela... I hate it...:P I like if it is roasted well and the bitterness completely goes off. Iam choosy when it comes to Karela...:)

I have tagged 6 of my fellow blogger friends for this tag... Hope u all enjoy doing it.. and trying thinking on what u really hate.... I had to list down and make my hate list hehehehhe:P

I tag : Divya , Cham , Madhavi , Uma , Ranji , Hetal

Hope u guys enjoy doing this as much i did....:) Enjoy! No compulsion. You do it if u like to do it.


Cham said...

Congrats for ur rocking award and thanks 4 tagging me. I will do it with fun :)
Ur tag was fun and touching too..

Unknown said...

Congrats on the award gal..And nice to know more abt u through the meme..Thanks for tagging me

Sangeeth said...

hey congrats on ur award.

Sangeeth said...

hey congrats on ur award.

Uma said...

congrats on your award and thanks for passing it to me and tagging me. I'll do it soon. YOur meme is great, shubha!

@the_whisk_affair said...

Hey Shubha, you have a great blog the looks and the content!! good work! if you have questions abt cake decor ans stuff, just shoot out a mail to

Swati Raman Garg said...

congoo buddy... loved d meme... i have similar hatreds down beneath..but i dont hate himessss bhaiii u cannot b so harsh to him oooooooooooooooooooooo haahahahaaaa.. hahaaha...

FH said...

Hi Shubha, enjoy the awrd, you rock too!:))
Nice MeMe to read. Love the Frankies, yummy.

notyet100 said...

congrats,..for the award an dnice tag,..

Unknown said...

Congrats for one more award dear.Thanks for tagging me..

ranji said...

congrats on ur awards shubha!!!
thank u so much for tagging me..will post it sometime to think what i hate first:) was fun reading urs..:)

Kalai said...

Congrats on the award! Liked to know more about you through your meme! :) Love your blog and keep it up. :)

Dori said...

Congratulations on the award!!! Nice to read about some things you hate :D

Cynthia said...

Congrats on the awards and it is always to refreshing to read an MEME and learn something about the author :)

Shubha Ravikoti said...

Thanx @cham , Divya,Sangeeth,Uma, JZ, Asha, Hetal,Ranji, Kalai,Meeso,Cynthia

Swati @ Hehehe I dont like Himesh At all... we r becharas who hear his music and songs hehehe:P