Monday, June 23, 2008

I am devastated... Someone please help and guide me.!

I have been hearing about this plagarism for quite some time now. I think now its my turn.
God know from how long this guy is using my content. But he is having everything in his blog... including my first post.

Some person has made a blog with all my content. Everything including my post,labels and pictures and user comments are there in that site...

He made a site just like how I have at chutkibharpyar(dot)mobiforumz(dot)com

(Thanx priya for the advice u gave me about not putting the hyperlink of the copied blog.)

and it says all this is posted by someone named Hidayath.

I was just talking about all this plagarism to my husband and I un intentionally searched for "chutki bhar pyar" on google search. The first few pages that poped up where familiar to me or were from my site.The seventh link that came up really shocked me. I was wondering what is this new thing. I never registered here? And it says guide to cooking mehandi and wo? I just click on it to see what is this thing all about. I really didnt remember registering in anything like this. When I opened the page I was devastated. It is a word by word copy of my blog. Including the comment u all left.

I dunno how he cud do this. But he even has my labels. Its my site there... with the same title... just that he changed the subtitle... cooking with love to something else...hmm

I am all confused how he cud do this. He even has my introduction post that I posted in july 2007.He has copied my site word by word.I have left a message to him asking him to remove my content. But its still under moderation and he hasnt accepted it yet. In the site I couldnt find anyway I can contact him. Can anyone guide me what I can do about this? Please help me out. He has put ads by google on my content. I really dont approve to that. I dont want anyone using my content new or old.

He has stated that this is an example page. But, I was never contacted or asked permision to use my page as an example....worst when he is earning with that page. How can he just post all my content and put it up there to promote his product? I guess till this time he was even getting all my updates as soon as I used to post it. It used to come on his site too. I am just so confused and I dunno how to stop this or confront this person.

Can google do something about this?.. Someone please help me.

Waiting for ur advice and guidance.


FH said...

So sorry Shubha. Try and e mail him to see if he has explanation or may be he could remove it. has my photos too, don't know what else can we do? They are all just shameless.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shubha,

Do you have technorati and feed burner accounts. If not, create one soon. Technorati blog reactions will get you the information about your blog links referred by others. Feed burner will give you the unlikely uses or your resources. This will help us to find the content theft.

Other solution is to set up Google alert on your blog url. We will get google mail whenever some one refers to our blog.

Content theft is everywhere and we have to live with it. The below URL has some good points. No one can eliminate content theft totally. But we can take some precautions. Hope this helps.

ranji said...

i am really sorry to hear that shubha...wait for sometime and see if he/she replies...if they dont then keep mailing them until they do!!!

Beyond Curries said...

Sorry to hear this Shubha. I can't think of anything other than writing to him. As far as I see the mobiforumz has a Desi touch, you can see something about bollywood, tamil, telugu cinema, gossip etc.

Why would some body do this? It's like your twin blog there! Hope you are able to resolve it pretty soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shubha,

A request. Can you please remove the hyperlink for the person's site who copied your content? (just mention the url without hyperlinking). You are just driving the traffic to his, which is what he wants anyway.


@the_whisk_affair said...

Oh no shubha!!! i am so sorry u are having to go through this...looks like this is the trend now!! people having nothing better to do than steal others efforts!! i dont know how to deal with this, either!! :-( i hope it gets resolved fast..!

Uma said...

yeah, it is really devastating if someone copies our content and use as their own. sorry for that, Shubha! hope you'll resolve this issue soon.

Trupti said...

Oh my god..shubha..he has everything from your blog.. Sorry ou have to go shubha that you have to go through all this.

kamala said...

Dear Shubha
Very shocking to hear this Shubha.It is very shame to copy other's contents without permission.So sorry Shubha

Meera said...

Hi Shubha,
I am very sorry to hear this. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

Madhavi said...

Hi Shubha,

I am very sorry to hear this, everything is same yaar, man this is crazy. are aisa log kese karte hai :(((

Rajitha said...

Shubha...i second what asha said..try adn email him..reason with him..i guess people have really become sense of integrity!! not lose heart..

Cham said...

So sorry to hear that, I don't have any idea hope everything settle down

Anonymous said...

Hi Shubha,

It seems the person changed the "blogspot" to "Mobiforumz". Though the Permalinks of the posts are changed, the interlinks still point to your links.

When you roll the mouse over the interlink you provided for "Leftover Batura dough" in this post, it still points to yours. Information like these will help you to prove that the content is yours.


The site seems to be a WAP (for mobile device) blog powered by Wordpress MU. Try to find the IP address of mobiforumz in If you can get the information on where it is hosted, we can write to the hosting service provider. At the same time, Write to wordpress MU and find if they can suggest something.

Don't panic. I know it is heart wrenching to see our work getting abused. We cannot eliminate people stealing our work, they are like weeds in the lawn, you get rid of one, few more pop up. One thing we can do is take steps to prevent it from becoming cancerous. At the same time, we got to keep writing and be creative as always. Remember, life needs to go on.Don't lose heart, keep your enthusiasm up.


Unknown said...

Oh dear this is really nightmare.Subha,be patient and send him the email and let him know that this really a crime.Me too was going through the same dilema just two daz back,I mail them and told them to remove my image and my content of my recipe asap.Thankfully they have done it.It is indeed a shock when someone steals ur hard work and takes credit.I suggest you to higlight this issue in the greatfoodie blogroll where many food bloggers are registered.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that Shubha..Am really shocked seeing that persons blog..Hope for the best..

Divya Kudua said...

So sorry to hear that Shubha..hope this issue gets resolved soon..!!

Dee said...

Im so sorry subha that you have to go through this. I hope this guy replies and today morning I saw a website which had Nupur and Sailaja 's blog pictures. This is such a sick thing!

Swati Raman Garg said...

kya hai yeh sab... mujhe kuch nai pata ki kya kiya ja salta hai in sab ka... kuch pata chale to batati hun

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry about this...When will these people ever learn???

Shri said...

So sorry to hear this shubha!I suggest you to contact google by clicking the help button.Definitely they may track his IP and locate him.You should sue him and teach him a good lesson.All the Best!!True Efforts never go wasted!

Anonymous said...

In addition to all that Priya has suggested, contact Google. The other blog has Google Adsense enabled - you can tell Google about copyright infringement. Also, contact the domain host where this blog is hosted and alert them that they are hosting data with copyright violation.

Hope all this helps.

Anonymous said...

Oops sorry - the previous comment (from A) was posted by me.

Srivalli said...

thats really bad...complain to blogger!.

Bhagyashri said...

Shubha, that is so bad!
The only thing I can think of for you to do is to leave as many comments as possible on all the posts so that he is forced to answer you. Or else even if these comments are seen by the readers of that site, they will know what he is upto!
All the best, hope this gets resolved soon.

Aditi..............:) said...

Oh so sorry to learn about this....I guess we put some copyright on our page....i guess....amk so sorry for you dear....!

Aditi..............:) said...

Hey babe visit this link
let me know if it helped....

SMN said...

So sorry to hear about this.. so mean of these people..

@the_whisk_affair said...

hey shubha, whats ur email id?? just send me a mail to

Anonymous said...

Am so sorry to hear about this ... hope things get resolved out for you!

Anonymous said...

This is really outrageous! Wish we could form a link on our blog groups which highlight this day light robbery.
This guy can only copy your stuff but cant survive this way for long. He cant participate in events, build up a community or earn friends like you have. He can only copy and paste. Whats the fun? Its going to die off!
Anyway, You can try mailing him.

Shubha Ravikoti said...

Thank u all for ur support...and some nice advice. Thank u pooja for u advice dear I am trying to track him down.

Thanks to my friend Ramya who helped me by tracking his profile in yahoo and other Wap sites. Thank u Ramya...

I will be mailing google too. As he has an adsense a/c I am sure they will be able to help me.

Shubha Ravikoti said...

Sorry i meant priya.

Tha problem is I wasnt able to mail this guy or leave him comments. He has ripped off my RSS feed and diverted it. Guess thats y my feed was giving me probs.

Hope it was settles now. Thanx for all u support..:)

vimmi said...

Hi Shubha,
Just wanted u to know how sorry i am. Don't know what u can do.

EC said...

Thanks a lot Shubha for bringing this to my attention..We both are in the same boat now...I couldnt find ur email id..Can u please mail me and let me know how are u handling this..I just now reported to google for copyright violation

lakshmi said...

shubha this is terrible. this guys is just using your rss to publish i think.

we had a word to word copy of our blog on another one hosted by wordpress. we reported to wordpress and they had it removed.

try reporting to the hosting provider and yep as you said to google for adsense violation.

ST said...

Sorry to hear that Shubha.I Am really shocked seeing that persons blog..Hope for the best and this issue resolves soon....

@the_whisk_affair said...

send me a mail shubha! and i really hope this thing gets resolved fast, i'm sorry to hear abt you too, EC!!

Laavanya said...

Oh No.. this is awful.. Leave alone taking single posts now your entire blog is copied?? I'm so sorry to hear that.

Anonymous said...

Hi friends,

When I saw Shubha's contents in another blog, it didn't seem to be taken from RSS. I had a feeling that it looks like a back up. (Feeds give only contents not the categories and tags that we have in our blogs, I guess).

So I put a search on google for "how to take a backup of a blog". The information I got is alarming. We can take backup of an entire blog in fraction of minutes. There should be similar thing for changing some parts of URL.

After some search, I can understand this is called "Blog scraping".

Beware. Spread the words.

I will write a post about this and supporting Subha, Mallugirl and Inji soon.


Hetal said...

hey dear I am back,but I am really shocked to hear about this...this is bad,did u get a reply from that person...hope everything becomes fine and he removes ur content..

Check out my blog for a sweet surprise.....hope this relaxes you a bit..

Ivy said...

Hey Shubha, sorry to hear what you are going through. It seems that a lot of people are having similar problems and I was reading something similar over at
Maybe you can find some answers there as well.

@the_whisk_affair said...

i hope u r feeling better now, and that this is gonna get resolved the meanwhile, come over and get the bear hug i have for u on my blog!! i know u badly need a hug! lots of love to u shubha!!

Sujatha said...

First time here, and I am so sorry to see this.. I wish I can help you someway, but I've no idea about this as I'm myself new to this blogging community.. Hope everything turns out to be fine soon..

Lore said...

Oh that's awfull!!! I remember reading Susan's post about a content theft she faced and there were some helpfull advices in the comment area. I've boormarked it just in case, so this might help you: Open Letter To The Loser Who Stole My Post. Even if she only had one post stollen I'm sure it will serve you well as guidance!
Don't worry about not finding a way to contact him because you already did via the comment you have sent him. Even if it's not approved yet for everyone to see, he received it, rest assured.
Keep us posted, ok?

Swati Raman Garg said...

hey where r u no news.... u havent even put ur open sesame entry... where r u buddy...

Indranee Batabyal said...

Hello Shubha, I'm very sorry to hear what you were facing with your blog. I hope you have resolved the issue now.Have you written to Blogger and Google about this?

Vaishali said...

Shubha, that must be devastating! I hope you can resolve it soon. All my best wishes.

ranji said...

I hope things are all sorted now...i made ur mumbai chutney sandwich and have posted it today..we really loved it...Thank u so much for the recipe..hope this cheers u up too :)

Shubha Ravikoti said...

Thanks to all of ur for ur lovely comments. have to take this matter now legally as I am unable to get any reply from this guy.T present I am at a cousins place.... enjoying my vacation. Hence I was away from blogging. Will be back by 1 st week of aug hopefully. Cya all then...So thats wt is happening with me as of now.One relief that i have is that this guy isnt updating anything from my blog.