Every blogger who joins the chain is linked with another blogger. Every blogger sends a mystery food item to 2 other bloggers....who in turn try a recipe with the ingredient and later blog about it. The chain continues this way. You can read more about it here.
Anyways my blogger mate was Nancy of Kitchen Gypsies....who was very very sweet to send me this cute little palm pet..:) Thank u so much Nancy We are loving it..:) and a packet of the mystery ingredient which I recognised immidiately to be "Couscous". Thank u Nancy.
I am so sorry I couldn't write this post earlier as I was away for a tiny weeny vacation. Now that I am back to routine and re-freshed, the best way of getting back is by a sweet treat. Yumm!
When I got my packet of couscous... I did some research on it. Couscous is a North African dish and actually is semolina (which I didnt know until now :O). The name is derived from Berber seksu[2] (meaning well rolled, well formed, rounded). You can check Wiki if u want to know more about it.
The recipe that came in my mind was "Couscous Salad" or something like vegetable Upma. I was discussing the same with my friend Lavi of Displaced housewife....who pointed out that there are many very few sweet dishes ever made with couscous. Hmmmm! Interesting...So that how I came up with this Couscous Halwa. And I am so glad I tried this sweet. It was delicious and so so tasty.
Here goes the recipe.
Ingredients :
Couscous - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup (we dont like it too sweet. You can add more if u like)
Cardamom Powder - 2 tsp
Ghee roasted Cashews & Almonds - 2 tbsp (small pieces)
ghee - 1 1/2 tbsp
Milk - 1/4 cup
Water - 3/4 cup (u may not need all of it)

Method :
In a saucepan add ghee and roast the couscous in it for 7-8 mins on medium heat or until its golden brown in color.Add cardamom powder, sugar to the couscous and mix well. Add milk+water mix and stir well. Cover and cook until the couscous becomes dry yet binded together (halwa consistency). Off the gas and serve hot or cold. The yummy couscous Halwa is ready to be devoured.:)
Try it and enjoy it....!
If u find this post and this MAITRI chain interesting....why not join us. ...:) More the foodies more the fun...:)
happy to be part of maitri...
thats a unique halwa...well done
we make somethg similar- rava kesari; urs look good !
wow Shubha, what a great creation dear, love the idea. I need to try it out too, sounds super delicious :)
Looks good..!!!A nice variation to our kesari bhath made from semolina..
Prathima Rao
Prats Corner
It looks delicious!!
Delicious halwa....love it!!
Different and healthy halwa Shubha!
Lovely dish.. It is true that couscous has very few sweet dishes made with..
Event: Serve It-Chilled
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