Friday, April 1, 2011

How to......?

Have u ever wondered how people create such beautiful and neat fondant work and decoration items on their cakes? I have always. I love making cakes and decorating them...... my sole help is the online sites and videos...this site was one of them..:) I had subscribed to this site a long long time back... but never actual checked it out fully... and Now when I did.. I feel I am was so stupid for not doing so. This site is amazing. I love all her cakes and how professional n neat they look. Wish I can make something like that someday...:) Anyways, the owner of this beautiful site Louise is helping bakers and decorators like me by giving out some of her tricks and ideas..:) she has so many tutorials in her site...and now she is sending across the tutorials in PDF for free... which u can keep on ur counter for reference, when making these sweet delicacies..:D There r toturials to make fondant bows, trains, using paper cones, and so many other pretty things..:) Do check it out!


Jayanthy Kumaran said...

very informative post ..thanks for sharing..
Tasty Appetite

Priya Sreeram said...

good one- informative !